Monday 18 July 2011

Pigeon rescue

So this was a very busy weekend for mom with work & of course with our unexpected guest this past Thursday & Friday. Mom was on her way out & along the way she came upon an injured bird - first she said it looked like a seagull but upon closer inspection she discovered it was a beautiful white/gray pigeon!

Apparently he or she may have been hit by a car, yes a hit & run. A car with a few very guilty looking people were seen fleeing the scene of white feathers strewn across the dark road & a one very stunned looking bird. A man had stopped after to guide said pigeon off the road. That is when mom pulled over to investigate.

Since mom has experience with animals & has worked with wild pigeons before, she knew exactly what to do. She carefully approached, gently covered the pigeon (later named & referred to as Calvin) with a towel to calm him down & put him in a box to drive home.

Calvin spent the time, very quietly in the box with a blanket where he would be safe. A call to the Toronto Wildlife Center was made & we waited to find out what would happen the next morning. Calvin, was def not a wild pigeon mom said, he was to use to being handled. I was very curious to see what the fuss was about, so the next day when a temp home was fashioned for him I took a peak.

Here Calvin sits with his water, bird seed in his shelter. He was very curious of me as well.  Being a cat I had to look, but  sensed he was hurt so I left him to relax & chill. Toronto Wildlife Centre was helpful & gave mom a few suggestions to help find his owner (Calvin wore a band on his leg which identified him as belonging to an individual).

A call was made to the Canadian racing pigeon union the CRPU & with their help Calvin's (who is a female!) dad was found! He came right away to pick her up, she was just a young one learning to fly & get her barrings when she was lost. Her dad was really happy to have her back & get her to a vet to fix her broken wing. I learned just how brave & strong that little girl was & I know she was happy to see her dad,  I feel the same way when my mom comes home.

If you are able to help an injured or distressed animal, safely, please do so. It will mean the world to them & in some cases life or death.

All ended well for Calvin & as pigeons remember faces, especially those who are kind, mom invited her to visit if she is ever in the area again, but this time she was asked not to land on the road. 

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